
Friday, 8 July 2016


In the Ancient Olympics there was running, wrestling, boxing, pankration, horse racing and pentathlon for Activities.Back then their was no way to entertain yourselves.Then there came the first Olympics people came and  watch.The activity I would of pick was boxing because there no one know what it was and there was no boxing gloves,they had to use long strips of leather.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Maroroa,

    Welcome to the Winter Learning Journey! I am thrilled that you have joined us this holiday and chosen boxing as your sport. It must have been pretty difficult to be a boxer in the ancient Olympic days given that the athletes weren't able to wear gloves. I am sure that their hands must have gotten pretty badly cut and bruised - Ouch!

    I hope that you continue to participate in the blogging programme over the next two weeks. There are plenty of other cool activities to do and each time you blog you will earn points!

    See you online!

    Cheers, Rachel
